5 Daily Habits To Help You Thrive
If there is one thing I have learned throughout this pandemic, it is that coming back to basics is something we can always rely on. The daily habits that we incorporate into our lives, that become second nature to our routine, form the foundations of your mental and physical health! I thought I would share with you 5 of the habits that I came back to for stability during this pandemic, and I hope they will help you too!
1. Drink the DANG water
You guys. I talk about this all - the - time. Water is SO important, for so many things, and so many people don’t get enough of it. Your skin, your digestion, your energy, your muscle function and more, will thank you for getting enough water! Drinking enough water is one of the easiest ways to improve your health, and is a great habit to start with.
Most adults need between 2-3L of water per day, but this depends on multiple factors including activity levels, environment temperature, health status / conditions and more. Check with your healthcare provider to see how much is right for you!
2. Get up, and go to bed at the same time, every day.
Or as often as you can, at least! Going to bed at the same time, and waking up at the same time every day, allows your circadian rhythm to function optimally. People who stick to this consistently have reported many mental benefits, including increased productivity and more overall satisfaction with their day.
Yes, this means weekends too! Going to bed early, and waking up early during the week, but then drastically shifting that on the weekends may do similar things to your sleep hormones that being jet lagged does (hence why some people call it ‘social jet lag’). There has also been some research that suggests negative impacts on metabolism and heart health.
So overall, creating a bed time and wakeup time that are consistent, is a great way to set your sleep and energy levels up for success. I typically advise aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep every night, so you can make your schedule and plan accordingly! For example, I am typically up at 5:30am, so I ensure that I am sleeping no later than 9:30pm (which means starting a wind down process around 8:30pm!)
3. Create an opportunity for mindfulness.
Mindfulness can be defined as the practice of paying attention in the present moment. I didn’t realize the value of this until I had my son. He reminds me about the benefits of living more in the present moment every day!
Benefits of incorporating mindfulness into your day include stress reduction, reduced anxiety, more focus, and better ability to regulate emotions. Now I get that most of my readers are busy women. There are many ways to practice mindfulness throughout the day, but some things that I choose from to improve my ability to stay mindful include:
5-10 minute daily guided meditation (Balance and Calm app are my favorites)
Gratitude practice - simply write out (yes, on a piece of paper or in a journal) 5 things you are grateful for at the end of each day
Journaling - I love my daily guided journal from Stil Classics
4. Move your Body.
Move your body for 30 minutes, every single day. Depending on where you are in your fitness journey, this might look like a slow walk or it might look like a HIIT class.
Movement and exercise can help you feel happier, more relaxed, reduce pain, improve digestion, improve your sleep, and much more.
Exercise is always my first habit to start to fade when stress gets high or the times get busier. When these times hit, I tend to swap higher intensity exercise for walks with Leon and bike rides, but I commit to the 30 minutes daily and my mental health thanks me.
5. Eat More Vegetables.
Show of hands, how many of you get 6-8 cups of vegetables per day?!
I can tell you that most people I speak to, don’t get this many. Vegetables are KEY components of our nutrition that are often under-consumed, and they contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and more to support your health. Try adding at least one extra serving of vegetables to your day, every day this week!
xo Dr. Ally